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Our Vision

Our mission is an expression of what we value, and what we’re building towards. 

Made with intention and defined by purpose, the Growstar methodology is revolutionizing how the industry grows.

We leverage insights into the natural world to guide our innovations and bring our vision to life.

To, through ingenuity and innovation, be the industry’s leader in socially and environmentally responsible cultivation systems and technologies.

Systems and technologies that maximize the potential of a crop, leaving nothing on the table.

Better Yields, Better Quality, Greater Consistency, Fewer Costs, and Lower Risks.

These objectives push us to take on big challenges, live our ideals, and fight for the meaningful changes we know are possible.

Scientist in Greenhouse

a Better

Producing premium results, with lower costs, greater consistency, and reduced environmental impact, in meticulously designed facilities where absolutely nothing is left to chance.

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Maximized Yields

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Improved Consistency

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Lowered Costs

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Minimized Risks

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Environmentally Responsible

Meet The Team

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Mike Ransom

CEO/Master Grower

 Chief Systems Engineer

Shaking Hands

Satpal Pabla

Chief Operating Officer
Chief Reputation Officer

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Nathan Boudreau

Chief Security Officer
Responsible Person


Kevin Paulovich

Lead HVAC and Mechanical Technician
Lead Compliance Officer

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Kim E Johnson

Corporate Lawyer

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